
My Dog is Anxious – Is CBD Oil the Key?

A dog with anxiety is an unhappy dog. He has a difficult time coping with the world around him on a daily basis, and this can have devastating effects on his life expectancy as he doesn’t get to enjoy all of the wonderful things that being alive are meant for.  Dogs are social creatures by nature, so if they live in a world of anxiety, they are completely out of their element.  They aren’t able to interact with other dogs on a typical level and even can become aggressive as a way to cope with this internal conflict.

This is why it’s very important that we try our best to help them through times of insecurity and anxiety, using all the natural remedies we have available. This can include everything from medical treatments to extra love and attention, to even changing the way that their diet looks.  

What is CBD oil?

CBD (or Cannabidiol) is a compound found in the Cannabis Sativa plant, also known as hemp.  This substance is one of 85 unique compounds that can be extracted from this plant, and it has become popular among medical patients and natural health enthusiasts alike for its ability to treat many different ailments and conditions. This is why many people are now turning to it as a way to help their dogs with anxiety, and the results have been astounding.

Does CBD Oil for Dogs Really Work?

When it comes down to human studies on this compound, there has been plenty of research done over the past several decades that has investigated its effects on various diseases and ailments.  In fact, there is a wealth of information on the World Wide Web that details the many different uses for this compound.

However, there hasn’t been as much research performed on dogs to date.  Although, this isn’t too surprising considering how new CBD oil for pets is on the market at present.  Nevertheless, a lot of pet owners that have been giving this to their dogs for anxiety have been coming back with amazing feedback.

Many report that their dogs have been transformed into happier, more social, and more playful pups after using it.  But before you decide to try this on your own dog, it’s very important to consult with a licensed veterinarian first and get their opinion on the matter, this is also confirmed by kitsapdailynews.com/national-marketplace/best-cbd-oil-for-dogs-2021

The best way to administer CBD oil for dogs: So how exactly does one use CBD oil for their dog to treat anxiety?  Well, it’s very important to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way of doing it.  While the reasons why your dog has anxiety may be different than what another pet owner experiences with their own pup, the goal should still always be the same – to soothe your dog’s nerves and help him cope with the world.

CBD Oil for Dogs- How Much Should You Give Your Pup?

Now that we’ve discussed what CBD oil for dogs is and how it should be administered, it’s important to look at dosage instructions.  Unfortunately, there is no one reason fits all answer to this.  It varies from dog to dog depending on their size and weight, as well as the severity of their condition.

Fortunately, it’s very easy to find dosage recommendations for CBD oil for dogs online – just do a quick search and you’ll be able to find several different sites that list recommended dosages depending on the size and weight of your dog.

As you can see, CBD oil for dogs is a very popular product market today and it’s not hard to understand why – it has shown incredible potential in how it helps with anxiety.  Although we still need more research done to truly determine how well this compound works for canines, there is no harm in trying it out and seeing how much of a difference it makes.


CBD oil for dogs has been a very hot topic in the pet world over the past few years. Although we still need more research to be done on how effective it is with canines, there has been a lot of positive feedback from dog owners that have used this product and saw great results with their anxious pets.  

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